Jerk Chicken Reicpe

2 Jun

Jerk Chicken is a spicy, flavorful dish that is perfect for summer BBQs.  The sauce can be used as a marinade or at the table on top of your favorite foods.

Jerk Chicken is an amazing dish I love to eat, but have always been a bit intimidated to make myself.  This was mainly because I didn’t have my own recipe for it, and when you go looking for Jerk sauce recipes, there are many variations out there.  It seems as though everyone has their own special Jerk Chicken recipe, that varies slightly from each other.  After much searching I came up with my own Spicy Jerk Sauce recipe, made from a combination of recipes I found.  I think you’ll agree that this is a good contender with authentic Jerk Chicken that can be found at Jamaican restaurants.


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The Hungry Wife